7/25/2023 - Uhh, Hello? Hello hello! Second journal entry and I want to talk about Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach. When the game first came out, I played through the whole thing with my best friend, Feli. We both grew up FNAF fans and were excited to see what this new game had to offer. Although we spent many hours trying to beat the game in it's broken state, the creativity that it inspired was worth the frustration. At least, it was in my eyes. When people criticize Security Breach, they often site the bugs, jumbled story, unclear directions, gameplay, and pretty much everything else about the game. I experienced this game's horrors firsthand when I played it with Feli. And no, I do not mean the jumpscares. We watched a cartoonish line of endoskeletons shamble across Bonnie Bowl. We were able to skip Monty's entire section because he got stuck in the wall. The horror of the Daycare Attendant's section quickly turned to annoyance as we attempted it over and over again. We worked hard to get the good ending, and didn't even end up getting it because we had skipped a single step. But even though Security Breach could have been better, it was still one of the most memorable things to ever happen to the FNAF fandom and pop culture as a whole. Allow me to explain. After Security Breach first came out, it had taken the internet by storm. Tiktok feeds began to flood with fanart and edits, fanfics cropped up on A03, and everywhere you turned was someone drooling over Glamrock Freddy. This fanfare drummed up so much love for the characters and Pizzaplex, that Security Breach began to seep into the mainstream. I vividly remeber the "Freddy! You're suppposed to be on lockdown!" meme being everywhere. I remember kids at my school, who had never breathed a word about FNAF, talking about the game. It had broken out of the fandom, and it was unlike anything I had ever seen before. Feli and I look back on this time fondly, and have dubbed it the "Security Breach Era". During that time we created headcannons, fanfictions, ocs, and SO much fanart. The creative kick that we had gotten from the game lasted weeks. And then, just as suddenly as it had begun, it was over. The hype had died down, and it seemed like everyone else had moved on. Soon, we did too. But before we knew it, a year had passed and a DLC had been announced, "Security Breach: Ruin". And as of today, that DLC is out! I've played a bit of it with Feli, and so far, it runs a lot better than the base game did upon launch. I haven't noticed many glitches or bugs. I really love how the Pizzaplex looks. While it was colorful and vibrant before, it has been reduced to ruin. (See what I did there?) It reminds me of those creepy pictures of old abandonded amusement parks; a place that once brought joy, frozen in time, rotting into the earth. I think Ruin is very cool so far. However, the gameplay is already starting to get annoying. There's a new mechanic where Cassie can don a Vanny mask to allow her to reach new places. Whenever she does this, a glitchy rabbit may appear, accompanied by a cheap jumpscare noise. While this scared the shit out of me at first, after five, six, TEN times? It starts to get a little annoying. I have told this fictional rabbit to kill itself more times than I would like to admit. And the 'Follow the line' gameplay is a bit dull. But I am never one to judge something until I have experienced it in it's entirety; these are simply my initial thoughts. I know there will never be anything like the Security Breach Era again, but I hope this DLC inspires that same creativity within us once more! Thank you for reading, remember to check Foxy's Cove :]

7/2/2023 - Yippie my first journal entry! I think i'll mostly just post rambles here so I don't bother my friends with them lol. I still have no idea what i'm doing but! thats the exciting part! see yall later :3